Full-stack Rails Developer


Hunter is a bootstrapped six-person company founded four years ago in France by Antoine and François. Our goal is to make it easier for businesses to connect with each other. We make it happen by continually crunching public data on the web and make it easy and practical to search.
We built Hunter to match our needs and aspirations (hopefully, you'll share them too!). This means we're bootstrapped and don't intend to raise any funds. And because we're building a real long-term business, we've made sure to be profitable from the start. We have the liberty to exclusively focus on providing the most value possible to our users.
Maintaining a small group is essential to us as it creates tighter bonds, increases productivity, and eases communication. We're currently a team of 6 and love it this way. We're in five different countries (🇫🇷,🇩🇪,🇪🇸,🇹🇭,🇨🇦) meaning working remotely is in our DNA.
The Role
You'll help us build the application sales and marketing people dream of! This includes both enhancing the Hunter web-app and its API. We're expanding the service so you'll take part in planning and building the future of Hunter.
Hundreds of thousands of users are using the service you'll help build all over the world. Every new feature, performance improvement, and bug fix you deploy impacts positively vast amounts of professionals. You, therefore, understand how critical shipping high-quality, maintainable code is. You're used to the Rails-way and continually improve your skills.
  • You're a skilled Ruby on Rails developper
  • You believe in shipping fast, but also shipping quality work to avoid technical debt
  • Preferably, you're used to working with Cloud Platforms (we're on GCP) and you have experience with Docker
  • You love working remotely while maintaining great relationships with your team members
  • You're fluent in English :)
This job isn't for everyone. But if you're looking to work remotely, in a small business having an impact on hundreds of thousands of professionals, then it should be perfect!
The team gathers during company retreats three times per year, each time in a new location in Europe. During these one-week events, the team gets to know each other and prepare the projects for the following months.
Being part of the Hunter team will also get you:
  • A competitive salary
  • 5 weeks of paid vacation per year
  • 3 company retreats in Europe every year
  • Fully-paid setup to get started (including a Macbook Pro, standing desk and ergonomic chair)
  • $5,000 vacation bonus per year for a far-away trip
  • An awesome team 🤗
If you’re curious to learn more about the hiring process, we wrote a blog post about it. And if you have some questions for us, you’ll find our contact information on our About page.
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