Senior DevOps Engineer - Work From Home!

FP Complete

FP Complete is a globally distributed IT consulting firm, focusing on server-side software development and cloud deployments, leveraging modern DevOps techniques. We now hiring new associate systems engineers. You will work with our world class team of software, DevOps, and quality engineers to deliver and maintain server and cloud infrastructure for various companies, remotely.Growth opportunities: this role will offer opportunities to expand your technical skills with both the DevOps and software space. For interested candidates, there are also opportunities for growth into technical leadership and project management.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage your own time, and to reliably deliver work you have agreed to do. We offer extremely flexible work hours and work location, and need trustworthy team members who can perform well in such an environment with no in-person supervisor.
  • At least three years work experience in DevOps, system administration, or a similar field.
  • Either a university degree in information technology or computer science or a similar field, or equivalent experience contributing to professional or open-source IT projects.
  • Your own computer, properly maintained and secured, with a reliable internet connection capable of supporting voice and video chat.
  • Absolutely dependable honesty and personal integrity, including the ability to work with others who depend on you, and no history of unlawful or unethical activity.
Candidates must be highly comfortable with the Unix/Linux command line, Git source control, Docker, at least one cloud provider (AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud), and at least one CI system (Jenkins, Gitlab CI, etc). The ideal candidate will have experience with many or most of:
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Terraform
  • Basic Bash scripting
  • AWS IAM permissions management
Additionally, familiarity with the following is considered a plus:
  • Windows Server administration
  • Packer
  • Puppet
  • Vault and Consul
Note: if you don't meet the requirements above, we also have an associate system administrator position currently open.
About our team
FP Complete strongly believes in the principle of “better tools produce better results.” Our team investigates and chooses top-notch software solutions, building them internally when necessary. We have a strong engineer-driven culture, and provide many opportunities to sharpen your skills in related disciplines like software development (especially with Haskell and Rust), project management, quality assurance, and a range of DevOps and cloud technologies.
The ideal candidate for this role is an experienced DevOps engineer with a passion for creating maintainable, secure, robust systems, and is looking for exciting challenges and a great team to work with.
A monthly consulting payment in US dollars. A monthly rate will be based on skill level, experience, and adjustment for local cost of living.
You will be expected to pass written questions via email, and to pass oral interviews via videoconference, and to demonstrate your current hands-on technical skills.
How to apply
Please send a cover letter and CV to We have more information available on our jobs overview page.
Learn more
Curious to know more about what we do? Check out our DevOps homepage, our overall technology homepage, and our blog.
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