Full Stack Rails Developer

Tuft & Needle

OVERVIEW: We’re looking for a full-stack Ruby/Rails developer to join our growing engineering team in Phoenix. You'll get to work on tuftandneedle.com as well as our internal customer experience and administration systems while collaborating with the rest of the engineering team on strategic decisions.
OUR TECHNICAL ENVIRONMENT: Our stack consists primarily of Ruby, Rails, Postgres, React.js, CoffeeScript, HAML and SCSS and is deployed to Heroku and S3. We use CircleCI for continuous integration and believe strongly in continuous deployment. Refactor without fear and ship daily! We also believe in leveraging quality APIs and tools.
  • End-to-end ownership: Each project gets an Engineering owner that is responsible for the success of the project.
  • Launch early and iterate: Done is better than perfect. Although we maintain a minimum standard of quality, we believe in getting value out of features and enhancements as soon as possible, while rapidly iterating.
  • Do things that don’t scale: We believe that our software should automate existing manual processes to save time, rather than preempt potential needs to avoid building unnecessary software. Our litmus test for deciding on new features is “Has the team done this manually first?”. Of course, we’re pragmatic even about this value.
  • Pragmatism: In a growing startup, our philosophy is that it’s important to be pragmatic. We are rarely dogmatic and use Judo moves to efficiently solve problems.
  • 5+ years of experience working in a tech environment similar to what's described above
  • Empathy
  • Pragmatism
  • Curiosity
  • A love for learning
  • The ability to see projects through to completion
Ideal candidates can work from anywhere in the US
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