Fullstack JavaScript Engineer (remote/onsite)


About you
As a core member of our team, you care about solving real problems for real users.  Coding, to you, is more art than mechanics and analytical thinking comes second nature.
  • You are experienced at building web apps and designing architecture that scales
  • 2+ years of experience building backend systems
  • Understanding of relevant design patterns (Domain Driven Design, GRASP, SOLID, micro-services)
  • You can design frontend architecture and are obsessed about performance.
  • You have experienced with mentoring and helping your teammates, doing code reviews and pair-programming
  • You have a drive to have editor and tooling perfectly set-up.
  • You fix things when you see they’re broken, instead of waiting for someone else to do it.
  • You could win a debate on tabs vs. spaces conducted entirely in English.
At productboard, we recently started building fully remote teams. It is therefore possible to join us as Fullstack engineer while being (almost) 100% remote. The expectation is that you will travel to Prague roughly every six weeks to collaborate with your remote team members in person, while also meeting other team members and learning more about the productboard culture. If you're interested in taking on this position remotely, make sure you tick off (most of) these requirements:
  • +1 years of experience working remotely 
  • You're able to use your experience with remote work to help us lay the groundworks for remote work at productboard.
  • You're self-organised and disciplined
  • You have amazing communication skills
  • You know how to make sure everyone on the team feels included
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